Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What are the Types of the networking

What are the Types of the networking

Types of the network on the basis of the geographical distance

On the basis of geographical distances, the network can be classified as:

(1) local area network(LAN):

LAN is a system of hardware, software and communication channels that connect devices on the same premises. This network permits data movements between the central COMPUTER, intelligent work-stations, dumb terminals and other I/O devices. Ethernet, developed by Xerox Corporation, is a famous example of LAN. This network uses coaxial cables for data transmission. Imminent developed by Corvus System is another example of LAN. This particular network has the ability to interconnect different microcomputer systems such as Radio stack, Apple.

  Characteristics of The LAN:

Following are the characteristics of LAN:
1) Nodes are located in a relatively limited geographical area (less than 15 miles)
(b) Owned by signal Organization.
(C) Usually, hubby decentralized control.
(d) high data rate.
(e) Low error rate.
(f) inexpensive transmission medium (e.g., coaxial).
(g) Maintenance is easy.

2) MAN(Metropolitan area network):

Man is a network which covers the larger area than LAN. Generally, it is used to connect big cities to each other for the purpose of communication.C able television networks are an example of MANs, distributing television singles.


 Following the characteristics of MAN
(a) Nodes are located in the wider area( generally connected the cities).
(b) Owned by the organization (Government, semi-government or big private organizations)
(c) the data rate is slow as compared to LAN.
(d) The error rate is high as compared to LAN.
f) maintenance is not easy.

3)WAN (wide area network):

This network covers a very wide area with terminals connected to1 or more host. WAN is an example of a global network. Several LANs are connected to form a MAN and several MANs are connected to form a WAN. Such network use line concentrators to reduce COMMUNICATION cost and usually provide dial-in access over telephone lines. ARPANET or the  Advanced Research Project Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense is an example of WAN. This network connects about 40 universities and research institute.INDONET developed by computer maintenance corporation (CMC), India is also a WAN.

* Characteristics of WAN:

Following are the characteristics of the WAN:

(a) Nodes are found over a much wider area.
(b) Usually used by several different organizations(c) often access regulated public or private communication system.
(d) frequently used for large database access by users over telephone lines.